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See, hear & feel HERE what other divers say about Galapagos Shark Diving!



Travelers' Choice Award 2023 Widget

Conservation Dive Liveaboards 2024 & 2025

We do offer a limited amount of Conservation Dive Live aboards with shark scientists of the Galapagos Whale Shark Project on board. Please find dates below.


Furthermore, we are an award winning travel agent that is happy to show you all the diving opportunities in the Galapagos Islands and Indonesia all year around! 


Traveling and diving with us means supporting marine conservation. Contact us now!

Galapagos Conservation Dive Liveaboards



More information about the Galapagos Conservation Dive Liveaboards

Cocos Eco Dive Liveaboard

We are an award winning travel agent that is happy to show you all the diving opportunities in Cocos Island all year around as giving you advise on how to make the most out of your Costa Rica adventure.


Traveling and diving with us means supporting marine conservation. Contact us now!

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Questions? Contact us!

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